CIH Focus Areas (Modules)
The scholarly modules (CM1, AM1 and AM2) reflect the areas of research of the CIH lecturers. They consist of least four hours of teaching per week. In addition, students study independently and develop their own research questions. All students chose at least one scholarly module in each semester which they spend the University of Cologne. The teacher of AM1 is also their personal tutor with whom they discuss their individual curriculum.
Students, who spend only one semester in Cologne, chose the module AM1 and write a scholarly essay as module exam under the supervision of their tutor who will normally be also one of the two supervisors of their M.A. thesis (the second supervisor being a teacher from their home university). The topic for the M.A. thesis is chosen and developed in a dialogue with both supervisors.
The Six Focus Areas in CIH

Legacies of Humanism

Balkan Enlightenment

Word & Music Studies